看來不像廠長或農夫的講解員,掀起我的好奇心並專注的聽著他的解釋。原來是家業,為了老爸的肝硬化的身體,意然的投入有機農作。父親的病經過幾年的調養也恢復了, 廠長也從消防業務轉換了另個空間去,心情也更輕鬆寫意。
農場的活動也蠻有趣的,卻設備齊全,材料都準備好了,只要動動小手,牙齒和兩唇便得到滿足感。BBQ料理普普通通的,不過土窯雞很棒,湯頭甜美,聽說MuaiJi沾點雞湯いじば的。 Mud stove is an opportunity to learn about structural design, weigh distribution and physics theories. Basically, the mud stove works on a three points contact and enough hole for oxygen entry for combustion instead of creating a vaccum within. Personally, I think the cooking method is more healthy since there is no direct contact with fire flame. Its also a great chance to learn the traditional way of starting a fire using firewood ensuring continuously flame.
一直已來都不了解彩繪的趣味性,這次的經練蠻有趣的,家如有小孩滿適合的活動啊。沒忘記划竹筏的遊戲比賽,練習平衡感還不錯。SOC的設施讓我回味當軍人的美好回憶,鉤起年輕的我。記得初到軍營報導時,連矮牆都爬不上的我,那時的經練告訴我,身體是可以練好的Given an Opportunity。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
最後還有免費的一大袋的Organic Vegetable可摘啊!這是各顯本事比賽同樣的袋子裝最多的菜,謝謝KEVIN專業採菜動作,裝滿了一袋袋的青菜。
A beautiful day and a good trip. KC's introduction is just perfect. His chinese writing is getting better and better. .....Jenny
I agree. :>
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