Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2014臺北富邦馬拉松 - 2014/12/21 (日) , 9km

Nora Chang問: You 9kms running without stopping??
我說: Nora. Off course.....except for the water point, which I have to queue-up. I did 1hours and 10minutes this time. Will try harder the next time. The weather is pretty good, though I weared three layers. This photo (I didn't bring any camera) was taken by FT, an indian national working with TSMC.
 Yeo Ser Hock說: 包到这么结实还跑九公里,服了你,攒!!! 
我回答: Ser Hock 學長,年輕人都穿著短褲短袖衣服, 人老了要防寒(我是南方人,冬天還是很冷) . 右邊口袋好像看起來很厚,其實是贊助商的禮物, 我的三層衣服都很薄的, 跑起來還滿順的. CHEERS.
 跑後感言:  時間跟上次的10KM差不多,但是毅力及耐有明顯的加強。跑步也比較關注自己呼吸及穩定的步伐。穿著也比較可以配合當天的溫度狀況。