Monday, September 24, 2012


南大台湾校友会讲座、成立大会暨联欢宴会将于 2012 10 20 日(星期六) 在台北市举行。我们很荣幸的邀请到南大副校长(国际事务)余明华教授主持成立仪式并与校友们见面叙旧。这是台湾校友们久别重逢、沟通交流、互通信息、加强合作的难得机会,因此我们诚挚邀请您出席这个盛会,时间及地点如下:
日期: 2012 10 20 日(星期六)
时间:下午 3 时至晚上 8 30
台湾台北市南京东路三段 133 电话:886-2 87706565衣着:整齐正装
下午3时 校友及来宾莅临讲座会场(大观殿)
3时15分 观赏南大最新发展短片
3时30分 学术讲座 - 主题: “新加坡成功的秘诀”
4时10分 学术讲座 - 主题: “台湾的问题与对策”
4时50分 张副院长、曹董事长对谈及 Q and A
5时20分 讲座结束
5时30分 校友及来宾莅临宴会会场(永春殿)
5时45分 拍团体照
6时 成立大会仪式开始
               . 南大台湾校友会朱岁龙会长致欢迎词
               . 南大副校长(国际事务)余明华教授致词
               . 余副校长为南大台湾校友会主持成立仪式
               . 余副校长将南大校旗授予朱会长
               . 余副校长及朱会长互赠纪念品
               . 校方领导和全体理事向所有校友和嘉宾敬酒
               . 南大兄弟校友会代表赠送礼品
6时30分 宴会开始
               . 校友交流/助兴演出

8时30分 宴会结束
电邮: kylie_chen(at) 手机:(886)926376801).
我们希望您能拨冗出席盛会。谢谢!南洋理工大学 南洋理工大学
校友事务处主任,孙敏炎 敬上
台湾校友会会长,朱岁龙  敬上

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

San Francisco, August 19 to 28, 2012.

Fellow friends from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia
Mr.Boh and his team are very friendly, really feels at home with him. Suaya from Indonesia is in the diving business. Have a nice time talking to him and his motivation in work.
Pier 39@San Francisco City , Circle Acrobat performance from U.K.
The stage show at Pier 39 is great with magic show where adult also enjoy the interactive teasing by the performer. Specially the acrobat performer from UK (who is studying now in SFO). The humorous stage conversation and their delication to their performance is trilling dangerously.
Tom and Wife
Tom a learnt person, enlighten me about the current moving from the north toward SFO. Wh!ich causes the temperature to drop during Summer season in San Francisco. It's a cold 13degree and comes with strong breeze of cooler air. One can always see the mist around the a golden Bridge. It's lucky to able to see the full stretch of the bridge on a clear day.
Thanks TOM for the delicious lunch beside the beach. Just excellent.
 The salad if fresh and special preparation for tomato. The chicken is well cook and the egg is so well rounded, I finished it all.