Thursday, November 19, 2009

金門 : 阿公的故鄉 2009/11/14-16

我們一群人就住在總兵署的左邊的招待所 ,每人300元/1晚。 一個與我的姓有關的小島,面積和星國一樣大小的地方"金門"。

我看金門的角度有兩個觀點 ; 可從南移到南洋人口(跟我比較有關系),也可看近代的戰爭歷史。個人想從看阿公的故鄉的角度看這島嶼,為何人會離鄉背井,冒險到人生地不熟的南洋呢 ?





Sunday, November 08, 2009

Singapore Pinnacle@Duxton 2009

Section E : General Enquiry on HDB Loan Eligibility Application
You may visit our website at to find out the status of your application. If you have any general enquiry on HDB Loan Eligibility Application, you may call our Sales/ Resale Customer Service Line at 1800-8663066 (toll free) from Monday to Friday during office hours between 8.00am to 5.00pm.

Dawson @ Queenstown - Waiting for result during FEB 2010
- Footnote: Nearest to Farrer road and City area. Price is consider high due to its location.
The Peak @ Tao Payoh - No more units available
- Footnote: 3 and 4 room all soldout. 5 room no more available for Chinese's allocation.
Pinnacle @ Duxton - Rejected
- Footnote: Overscribed property due promixity to Town and strategy location to CBD.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

First Video taken@SanXia Old street
